Evidence of the Holy Spirit According to the Bible as Revealed to William Branham
Before 1964, William Branham had been preaching that the evidence of the Holy Ghost is the fruit of the Spirit. But one day, the Lord corrected him in a vision. There are many other quotes, but here are a few. (These quotes have not been edited)
John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
It is when you believe Gods word manifested and you walk in the light of it.
Believing the Word of God when it is manifested. He is the Word. So the spirit of God living in a person will not deny the Word.
When the spirit that is in you will punctuate every promise word of God with an Amen.
(William Branham)
William Marrion Branham |
Broken Cistern 1964
66 Today I was talking with my good friend, Doctor Lee Vayle, who is present now. And he’s quite a theologian, and so we usually have some_have some pretty good discussions on the Scripture. Very smart.
And he asked me one time what I thought about the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost, “Was it speaking in tongues?” It’s been many years ago.
I said, “No; can’t see that.”
He said, “Neither do I,” said, “though I’ve been taught that.” He said, “What would you think would be an evidence?”
67 I said, “The most perfect evidence I can think of is love.” And so we got to talking on that.
And then I thought that sounded pretty good so I just held that, “If a man has got love.”
But one day the Lord, in a vision, straightened me out. And He said, that, “The evidence of the Spirit was those who could receive the Word,” neither love, nor speaking in tongues, but it’s receiving the Word.
68 And then Doctor Vayle was saying to me, that, “That is Scriptural,” he said, “because, in John 14, Jesus said, ‘When He the Holy Ghost is come upon you, He will reveal these things to you, that I’ve taught you, and will show you things to come.’”So there is the genuine evidence of the Holy Ghost! He has never told me anything wrong yet. That, “It is the evidence of the Holy Ghost, is he who can believe the Word.” You can receive It.
Cause, Jesus never said, “When the Holy Ghost is come, you’ll speak with tongues.” He never said, the Holy Ghost come, you’d do any of those things. But He said, “He will take these things of Mine and show them to you, and will show you things that is to come.” So there is the genuine evidence of the Holy Ghost, according to Jesus Himself.
Paradox 64 0206b
212 But we express so much upon evidences. We Pentecostals put our evidence upon speaking in tongues, and how bad we’ve been fooled in that. And how many of them says, “The fruit of the Spirit is the evidence,” how badly you are fooled by that. No, sir. If you talk about speaking in tongues being the evidence of the Holy Ghost^Which, I do believe the Holy Ghost speaks in tongues. Don’t get me wrong. Yeah, but you say, “A man speaks with tongues, got the Holy Ghost.” We believed that for a while, but we found out it was wrong.
213 Luther said,“Those that said they believe.”We found out that was wrong. Wesley said, “Those that got sanctified and shouted.” We found out that was wrong. Pentecost said, “Those that spoke with tongues.” We found out that was wrong. The Christian Science said, “The fruit of the Spirit is the evidence.” We find out that that’s wrong.
214 I’ve seen witches and wizards drink blood out of a human skull, and speak in tongues; and lay a pencil on the table and write in unknown tongues, and interpret it. See? Now, don’t tell me about that; my mother is a half Indian, see, and I and I know. I’ve seen it and dealt with it.
215 Yet, God does speak with tongues, but that’s no infallible evidence that you got the Holy Ghost. Certainly not. No, indeed.
Questions and Answers 2 64
1001-Q-281281. Dear Brother Branham, I have been baptized in Jesus’ Name. The Word says you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Does this_does this mean the baptism, the Holy Spirit, or does it mean I should receive the gift_definite_I should receive a definite experience with the baptism? I am anxious to be_to be filled with the_the Spirit. Please excuse the long note as I have been wanting to ask you this question for a long time. Thank you.
Now, there’s a good question. Now, the baptism with the Holy Spirit is a definite experience that a person must receive. Now let me kinda clear that up just for a minute. See? Now, many people have the_the idea^I believe it’s twisted. And maybe right here to the church and to the church that’s listening, there might be a question. Now, when I speak of not believing the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost is speaking with tongues (I_I do not accept that) I believe with God’s help I can prove it in the Bible that that’s wrong (See?), ’cause the speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Ghost. How many knows that? Divine healing is a gift of the Holy Ghost, and here Beatles are doing it. See? Satan can impersonate any of those gifts. Witches, wizards can speak in tongues and interpret it. The jungle lands, many times a wizard will speak in tongues, drink blood out of a human skull, and interpret unknown tongues.
1002-44 Now, that’s no evidence of the Holy Ghost. See? You can’t rely upon that. You can’t rely upon the fruit of the Spirit, because the first fruit of the Spirit is love. And the Christian Science exercise more love than anybody I know of, and they even deny Jesus Christ being Divine. See? There’s only one evidence of the Holy Spirit that I know of, and that is a genuine faith in the promised Word of the hour.
Now, those Jews come; they had more religion than the disciples had. They were better trained men in the Scriptures than the disciples was, because they were fishermen, tax collectors, and so forth. And they had real faith and genuine faith in what they were doing. Now, listen closely now; don’t miss this. See? When it come to being fruits of the Spirit, kind and gentle, I guess there wasn’t a one of those priest but what could outshine Jesus Christ in it. He went to the temple, plaited ropes, looked upon them with anger, and turned over their tables, and run them out of the place. Is that right? The Bible said He looked upon them with anger. The Bible said that. That’s exactly right.
1003-46 So see, those priest were gentle, meek, understanding men. When it come to the fruits of the Spirit, they could show more fruits of the Spirit than Jesus ever could. When it comes to theology, they didn’t know_have a school that He come out of. “Whence cometh this man? Where did he come from? What fellowship card does he have? What organization does he belong to? We don’t know where he come from. He was just absolutely an outcast Guy that was borned a illegitimate birth. Why, we could down him here in a few minutes and show you by the laws^” They had a right to do what they did when it come to that. Why? Because they failed to see that He was that promised Word of the hour. The only way they recognized it, when Jesus performed the Word by being able to tell them what they had in their hearts, what they’d been doing^He was a Prophet according to the Word of God. What He said come to pass, every word, word by word.
Christ Is Revealed in His Own Word 65 0822m
27 Today, so confused about the evidence of the Holy Ghost, and so forth. Satan can impersonate any kind of a gift that God has got, but he cannot bring that Word, Word by Word. That’s where he failed in the garden of Eden. That’s where he’s always failed. That’s where them, the tape on “false, anointed ones,” or anointed ones; they can be anointed with the Spirit, speak in tongues, dance, shout, preach the Gospel, and still a devil.
Question and Answers 64
1040-Q-318 318. What is the evidence that a person is really filled with the Holy Ghost?
John 14:26: He will^”When the Holy Ghost is come (See?), He will show you things to come.” See? He’ll be a^He’ll perfect it; man-mades won’t do it; and He is the Word. When He the Holy Ghost is come, He will identify Himself in you with the Scripture. And that is the true sign that the Holy Spirit is in you, because It is the Word.
Now, look. What if you spoke with tongues? I just want to ask you that. Jesus said when the Holy Ghost come what He would do. And what if you spoke with tongues, jumped up- and-down, shouted, and everything else, and then come to the Word; and I’d tell you the baptism of_prove to you by the Scripture as I have, that the baptism using the title of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is absolutely a misunderstanding in the Scripture; nobody was ever baptized like that, and you go ahead and hang with it anyhow? Could you tell me the Holy Spirit in you would do a thing like that? How can It deny It’s own Word?
Before The Correction
The True Vine And A False Vine 55 0607
E-52 Heavenly Father, tonight, knowing that hour is close, knowing that we’re living in the end time, knowing that those old trees are going on, here is that vine bringing tonight, filled with the Holy Ghost, bringing forth fruit, the evidence of the Holy Spirit, being among us. How thankful we are, Lord. We could raise our hands and praise Thee and praise Thee over and over for all Thy goodness and mercy. How wonderful and how marvelous are Thy ways. We thank and praise Thee with all of our heart.
C O D Questions and Answers 61 0112
544-209 The evidence of the Holy Ghost is the fruit of It, the fruit of the Spirit. Well, it^Well, now, he say, “I’m a stem; I’m a cocklebur. I’m a stem the same as that wheat’s a stem.” But what kind of a life is in you? The life that’s in it bears stickers, always fussing, and cutting up, and real mean, and ill, and everything. See what I mean? Arrogant (See?), that’s not the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is meekness, patience, gentleness (See?), all that. See?
He can say, “Well, well, I can shout just as loud as you can. Bless God, the Holy Ghost falls on me.” That may be every speck true, but the life that he lives doesn’t back up what he’s talking about. See? He was a weed; he was a weed to start with.
Hebrews Chapter Six #2 57
495 There’s not one thing left in the Bible, as “evidence of the Holy Ghost,” only the fruits of the Spirit. Find out any place that Jesus said so. Yes, sir. The evidence of the Holy Ghost is the fruit of your Spirit. Jesus said so, “By their fruit you shall know them.” “And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, peace, gentleness, meekness. And the fruit of the enemy is enmity, hatred, malice, strife, and so forth; that’s the fruit of the enemy.” So, you can judge by the way you’re living, where you’re standing with God. If your whole heart is in love with Him, and you love Him and are gentle, and live with Him daily, you know you’ve passed from death unto Life. If it isn’t, and you’re otherwise, you’re just impersonating a Christian. That’s right. Which, all carnal impersonations will certainly be exposed. We know that.
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