Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The name Jesus means Saviour. He came to save His people from their sins. Joseph saved his people.  

He was hated by his brothers so was Jesus hated by the religious leaders and his own people (Israel). They shouted crucify Him!

Joseph could see the future through dreams and so did Jesus see the future.

He was loved by his father just as Jesus was loved by God.

Joseph was sold for 30 Shekels of silver and so was Jesus.

Joseph did not defile himself with the king's wife, so was Jesus sinless. He did not bow o the devil when offered the whole world and everything in it. 

He was put in prison and Jesus was also crucified and put in the tomb.

In prison, he saved one prisoner and another was lost. On the cross, Jesus saved a prisoner and the other was lost.

He left prison and rose to the highest office of being at the right hand side of Pharaoh. Jesus rose from the dead and is sat at the right hand side of the Almighty.

The trumpet sounds at the appearance of Joseph. The trumpet will sound at the second coming of Jesus.

Every knee bowed at the mention of the name Joseph and at the mention of Jesus, every knee will have to bow and every tongue will confess...

Joseph married a gentile bride when he was rejected by his people. Jesus turned and married the gentile bride when He was rejected by Israel.

He had gentile children and so has Jesus made us sons and daughters of the Most High.

Joseph forgave his brothers for all the cruel treatment and Jesus also said 'Father forgive them' when He was being killed.

Joseph revealed himself to His brothers when his bride was in the palace. Jesus will reveal Himself to Israel when His bride is already in His palace.

When Joseph's brothers realised who he was, they cried for all the cruelty meted to him. Israel will weep when He reveals Himself to them at His second appearance.